Erotica, fantasy, and horror writer.

Most commented posts

  1. The Worm Ouroboros
    [Reading Challenge 2018]
  2. The Wild Lands of the North
    (and a bit about Giants)
  3. All Things Charn (Part I) — 4 comments
  4. The Lady of the Green Kirtle (Part I) — 4 comments
  5. Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/30/17: Mundane Fare — 3 comments

Author's posts

When Aslan’s Not so Perfect

As the title says, Aslan depictions have their off days, when the lion is not grand and noble as he should be, but suffering from poor skill on the part of the artist, or deliberately depicted as less than than impressive to make some satirical point. Which could be construed as a form of sacrilege, …

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The Lady of the Green Kirtle: Deadly Dyes

Previous parts of this series:  Part I, Part II,  Part III, Part IV   It was not only the green hue of absinthe that broadcast the deadly nature of the Lady of the Green Kirtle. It was the color itself, which received a such a bad rep in the 19th century it became synonymous with …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/26/23: Rilian’s Brothers (Narnia XLIV)

  A few days ago, in the Narnia subreddit, I discovered a glaring discrepancy in The Silver Chair I had never noticed before. At the end of The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, Lewis has this to say about Caspian and Ramandu the Star’s Daughter: Caspian married Ramandu’s daughter and they all reached Narnia in …

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Read what C. S. Lewis Read
(Lewis Bits and Pieces)

The Librarything site (of which I am a member) has a section for the books read and/or kept in personal libraries by famous writers, and C. S. Lewis’s is here. There’s 44 pages to it, each page hosting 50 books… so yeah, there’s a lot, especially of history, natural history, religion, and philosophy. But taking …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/19/23: From the Spellbook of the Green Witch (Narnia XLIII)

  The Lady of the Green Kirtle, IMO, is one of Lewis’s most terrifying creations in the Chronicles… so terrifying she doesn’t even get a proper name! Duplicitous, poisonous, beguiling, only when her power is defied does she show her true nature: she morphs into a giant snake that is more dragon than serpent. Her …

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Narnian Witches: The Lady of the Green Kirtle

Now let’s take a look at more depictions of The Lady of the Green Kirtle, aka the poisonous, hypnotic Green Witch. The simple pic at the right puts her in a stuffy Medieval headpiece similar to the one worn by Barbara Kellerman in the 1989 BBC version. But she’s more at ease in it, bending …

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White Witch, plus Elephant

I forgot to add this picture to my previous post. Not sure if it’s meant to be the White Witch, but it could… except for that elephant head peeking out from top left, and the cathedral-like imagery.

Narnian Witches: The White Witch (AI Remix)

Or  “The Persistence of the Big-Ass Crown.” AI art engines have come a long way since last summer, which is when I started using them — being sick at home with COVID was the perfect excuse. They’re also a neat way to visualize a character using your own prompts. Such as, what would The White …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/5/23: From the Spellbook of the White Witch (Narnia XLII)

In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the White Witch (Jadis) demonstrates several magical powers that show her might: she can disguise herself and her servants as inanimate objects, can summon evil supernatural creatures and cause them to do her bidding, and control the weather to the point where Winter reigns in Narnia for …

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Fire and Ice

The two villains of Tolkien’s trilogy and Lewis’s Narnia come together for tea. Scones, anyone?