Tag: C. S. Lewis

The Giant’s Causeway

For a long time (ever since I read the book at 11 or 12 in fact)  I’ve wondered if C. S. Lewis, a native of Ireland, ever visited The Giant’s Causeway and received inspiration from it to create the titanic stone bridge over the River Shribble. As you remember, Puddleglum, Jill, and Eustace crossed it …

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Wardrobe Warnings

She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face against them, leaving the door open, of course, because she knew that it is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe. She did not shut it properly because she knew that it is very silly to shut oneself …

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All Aboard! Images from the Golden Age of Rail Travel [Review]

All Aboard! Images from the Golden Age of Rail Travel by Lynn Johnson & Michael O’Leary Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1999 If you were a graphic artist in the 1980s and 1990s Chronicle Books of San Francisco was your crack, publishing tons of art, art history, design and architecture books every. All were beautifully designed …

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When Aslan’s Not so Perfect

As the title says, Aslan depictions have their off days, when the lion is not grand and noble as he should be, but suffering from poor skill on the part of the artist, or deliberately depicted as less than than impressive to make some satirical point. Which could be construed as a form of sacrilege, …

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Read what C. S. Lewis Read
(Lewis Bits and Pieces)

The Librarything site (of which I am a member) has a section for the books read and/or kept in personal libraries by famous writers, and C. S. Lewis’s is here. There’s 44 pages to it, each page hosting 50 books… so yeah, there’s a lot, especially of history, natural history, religion, and philosophy. But taking …

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The Problem of Susan and Other Stories [Review]

The Problem of Susan and Other Stories by Neil Gaiman (writer);  P. Craig Russell (art and adpatation); Scott Hampton (art);  Paul Chadwick (art), Lovern Kindzierski (art); Galen Showman, Rick Parker, Gaspar Saladino (lettering) Dark Horse Books, 2019 Finally, after  2 1/2 years, I’m getting around to writing a review of this book. For those who …

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The White Stag, Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this topic I looked at the folklore and symbolism behind the White Stag, then at how that folklore and symbolism was both right, and wrong, for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and the world of Narnia itself.  I’ll continue in that vein and also take a …

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The White Stag, Part 2

[The] two Kings and two Queens with the principal members of their court, rode a-hunting with horns and hounds in the Western Woods to follow the White Stag. — from the The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe In Part 1 of this essay I explored the myth and folklore of the White Stag, and …

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The White Stag, Part 1

It’s getting close to the end of the 2022 Summer of Narnia. Though I got to explore some topics I wouldn’t have ordinarily written about (depictions of Aslan in theatrical productions, AI used to generate images of Jadis, my own Narnia fanfic) I’ve been remiss in exploring the ones I set out to do at …

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Charn Kee

I thought the strange pool in The Wood Between the Worlds would take me back to Charn, but I landed here instead!