Tag: AI and neural networks

Worldbuilding Wednesday 3/20/24: SFF Theme Burgers (ChatGPT)

Because ChatGPT did such a good job of generating Hawaii-themed cocktails (granted, edited by me to make them more unique and coherent) I decided to see what it could do with hamburgers. Gourmet burgers in fact, themed after science fiction and fantasy books. In this I was inspired by a Seattle coffeeshop where I and …

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“It all looked good on paper.”

AI has stepped  in it again! This time, in Glasgow, Scotland. A children’s event called “Willy’s Chocolate Experience” — a none-too-subtle allusion to Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory — opened in a sparsely decorated warehouse to parental reactions so violently dismayed some wound up calling the local police. The story is below. …

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The Princess Who Ate Nothing But Potatoes

I asked ChatGPT to generate a story for me to ascertain the quality of the product. I took inspiration from this picture I generated from open.ai’s SDXL. It’s not quite a literal reading of the prompt I used, which was “a Medieval princess eating a heart-shaped potato.” But it’s unusual enough to serve my purpose. …

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The Romance Writers Association endorses the use of ChatGPT for writing… or not.

I recently became aware of how far the use of ChatGPT as a writer’s aid has come. NOT the use of it to write a whole book without human aid, because that is very far from the technology that’s available now. But this current trend towards it has a lot of fiction writers upset.

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AI Art Adventures: Poltergeists

Users of Midjourney know every day brings a new theme word to play around with decided by the site’s creators. (I suspect it’s a way for the owners to iron out problems with the AI’s interpretation of that word.)  One recent word, for example, was generuk, which is a species of long-necked antelope renowned for …

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You Look Like a Thing and I Love You [Reading Challenge 2022]

You Look Like a Thing and I Love You by Janelle Shane Voracious, November 2019 [ Challenge # 3 : Just the facts, Ma’am: Nonfiction on any subject ] I’ve followed Janelle Shane’s weblog on AI and computer learning for a while, and it’s never failed to make me laugh. Out of that endeavor came …

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Creepy Elves: Real or Fake?

I decided to have a little fun with my annual post on Christmas horror. Creepy-looking elves abound on the internet creating their own little Uncanny Valleys, and it’s just as easy for AI Art engines to make them as well, whether or not they were intended to be creepy. So I am trying an experiment. …

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Dragon Empress, Empress Dragon

At the top, Dragon Empress; at the bottom, Empress Dragon. Both AI variations on the same source art, with differing word order.

The True Face of Sauron

Say the name Sauron and most people will think of this armored character from The Lord of the Rings movies, or a giant burning eye. But in the books Tolkien never spoke of Sauron’s Third Age physical form except in abstracts, saying only that he was  “not fair” which could mean anything. So, inspired by …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/14/22: Deep Sky Objects

Like imaginary galaxies, imaginary nebulas are also simple to create. These three were done in Wombo, which is designed specifically to make trading card NFTs. But it’s also fine for other stuff. These randomgens were tweaked in Write With Transformer, so if some of them don’t make sense, that’s why. WWT is part of the …

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