“It’s over there, dummy. Just look. Look! Follow my hand…”
Athena Appearing to Odysseus to Reveal the Island of Ithaca, Giuseppe Bottani
There are over 6,000 islands in the nation of present day Greece, and to the ancient Greeks they must have seemed many times this number. Their entire world was made of islands, and the sea. From myth we know know the prominent ones, like Lesbos, Naxos, Aenea (home of Circe), Ogygia (home of Calypso), Delos, and Crete. The island of Ithaca was home to the hero Odysseus, whose story was told in The Odyssey. In present times, it’s also the name of a city in New York state that hosts Cornell University. Undoubtedly, there were many more named islands which have vanished into time.
Need to create a Greek island of your own? Here’s a made-up list.
Undiscovered Greek Islands
Drianos Eoplene Eoskoia Exara Gleona Hepeus Kaias Lenethia Mnatem Memripios Netemgera Nithoe Oeclos Ostunisi |
Phiasos Pthadros Pyrenus Skeites Skoete Strybae Stusura Telephene Thruses Thrymna Tsupos Uelas Xippus Zene |