The Love Potion by Evelyn de Morgan
Potions are essential for RPG fantasy gaming. They’re like a Get Out of Jail Free card, useful for a player in dire circumstances to cheat fate by teleporting themselves away from a foe or healing fatal damage. But they can also do other things.
From my twitter feed, some favorites I created. “Potion” refers to anything liquid or semi-liquid that can be carried on one’s person.
Magic Potions
Captain Astrit’s Dark Rum: Often found in pirate dens, this drink causes an alignment change to pure evil as long as the imbiber remains intoxicated.
Dawncream: When rubbed on the user’s face, it makes them feel as if they have just woken from a good night’s sleep. Distillation of the Dragon: This very rare potion can substitute for any dragon body part (scales, fangs, etc.) that is an ingredient in magic. It has no effects when drunk. Infusion of Wholesome Sweating: Potion that lets the drinker experience the benefits of sitting in a steambath for an hour. Potion of Endless Dallying: When ingested, this cursed potion makes the drinker needlessly delay whatever action they next take. Potion of Marvelous Fangs: The drinker’s canine teeth become two four-inch fangs for the duration of the spell. Can also be used to reduce the length of longer fangs. Potion of Slow Teleportation: Teleports the caster from one place to another, but with a time delay. Cheaper to make than regular teleportation potions and useful for non-urgent situations. Thanamierto’s Water of Dwarf Stamina: Gives the drinker the constitution of a dwarf for 12 hours. Thorska’s Elixer of Healthy Elimination: Useful when one is constipated. Tincture of Lightning: Magical potion containing the essence of a lightning flash. When uncorked, the flash re-occurs in the immediate area. |