Thylacoleo carnifex, a megafauna marsupial predator. Art by Peter Schouten.
Exotic mammalian carnivores are heavily featured in SFF literature. William Rice Burroughs had his eight-legged, lion-like banth in his Barsoom series, and more recently Tomi Adeyemi took up the trope with her lionaires and leopardaires in Children of Blood and Bone and Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Prehistoric carnivores like the sabre-toothed tiger and short-faced bear once tortured our ancestors, and mythic beasts like the manticore and gryphon may be trace memories of these.
For this list I mashed up the names of terrestrial carnivores and added some additional modifiers. If you’re looking for a predator for some lost world or earth-like planet, here it is!
Polar Foxion
Pumhyena Meercatel Ginger-Maned Tigrina Black-Maned Dholepard Rusty-Crested Wildcat Pampas Jaguarine Bearfisher Yellow-Ticked Racoonet Red-Tailed Badger Big-Eared Oncepard Yellow-Crested Jungle Genet Meercaroon Catiger Dingoroona Gray-Crested Jaggerine White-Spotted Fox Ant-Eating Canival Long-Tailed Musteiger |
Gray-Striped Pantherion Black-Lipped Ottravine Ferretion Gray-Nosed Fisher Red Genetine Canipard Mercafeli Maned Bear Ginger Ursverine Martecoug Crab-Eating Grizette Little Marten Brown Felival Gray-Tailed Canivine Dogerine Serviger Striped Dholeon Black-Backed Dhole |