The pyramidal, futuristic skyscraper originally known as John Hancock tower. The radio antennae give it the appearance of a testy bull, entirely appropriate for this city.
I’ve always thought Chicago had a special ring to it. It’s both soft, and hard, and rolls easily off the tongue (as I also noted for the name Christopher.) It improves any other word it’s paired with. The Chicago Cubs. Chicago pizza. Chicago Transit Authority. It’s the subject of a famous poem that is famously misquoted:
Hog Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation’s Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling…
(It’s Hog Butcher for the World, not the Nation)
The name itself is derived from a Native American word for a type of wild onion, shikaakwa. Chicago also has nicknames like The Windy City, Chi-Town, and Second City (as in the Second City comedy troupe) but to my mind it doesn’t really need them. Chicago is enough.
Need a name that’s like Chicago, without being Chicago? Here are some choices.
Variations on Chicago
Tricago Chandrisogo Checaza Chalcotho Shumeto Chussano Chrisotho Caboncho Davano Shobeldo |
Nicabo Sjallinago Rhecava Chansaya Mimelko Chumigo Chicadi Shansado Vicago Chansano |