Tag: Bandfic

Zepfics: Short Stories [Review]

Angels Losing Sleep, by Leah Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3 Ten years ago Livejournal had a short-lived Zepfic community, which in turn had replaced an earlier one that was short-lived; from the more recent one (active 2011-2014) I read this story. Zepfics have a rich range of real-life conflicts and tragedies to hang their …

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Zepfics: A History

I became aware of Led Zeppelin fanfic in the late 1990s when the web exploded with archive sites. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I’d known of Star Trek fanfic for years, and Buffy,  X-files, and Xena fanfic sites were all over the place. But Zep fanfic was a new thing, especially …

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Bandfics, Part 2

Not every band inspires a busy and passionate fandom. Using Archive of Our Own as a bellwether, I noticed several things by looking at the stats. One is the sheer amount of material. Excluding Elvis (450 stories) most of it dates from bands active from the early 1960s on. There’s no Gene Vincent, Jerry Lee …

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Worldbuilding Wednesday 5/10/23: Led Zeppelin Songs

 When it comes to Led Zeppelin songs, their titles recall mostly about one thing: Blues, Blues, Blues. Unlike Beatles songs, they didn’t dabble in storytelling or psychedelia. This makes the song titles themselves not too interesting, but they’re also easy to recreate. Maybe there’s a bootleg of these around somewhere…   Led Zeppelin Songs, what …

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Bandfics, Part 1

When discussing rock band fandoms, there are two types. The first is the “typical” one of love of the music, which also includes listening to albums, attending concerts, and discussing these with other fans who share the same passion. It can run along a scale. At one end are those who buy an album or …

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