Tobor the Great, from the 1954 movie of the same name
Atompunk robots (those in media from 1945 – 1965) tend to have the same sort of names. Short ones like Gort, cutesy ones like Robbie or Tobor (“Robot” spelled backwards) or functional ones combining scientific terms with letters and numbers. That’s the sort I was after here with this randomly generated list. These names showed up most frequently on toys, models, and illustrations, perhaps inspired by early names for computers and rockets. As always, some silliness was generated.
Robots of the Atompunk Age
Cyber N-48 Colossus 1 Turboman Centauriton Cryptino Tetrabolt the Invincible Cometsprocket Unit X-55 Magna 51 Ovibot Meteor 5 Unit Centauri The Iron Colossus Turbo-One The Indefatiguable Automaton Z-945 Crypton 58 |
Atrius Symano Atom-3 Servantmech 963 Unilino Sparkov Motorius The Iron Terror Red Unit E-35 Roto 42 Masero The Indomitable Botimus Gog 4 The Iron Defender Astroton Omni 5 |