I still can’t get enough of Salome and her yen for peacock feathers.
There were other powerful women in the Good Book, some judged as “wicked” by past moralizers: Jezebel, Delilah, Herodias. Others acted just as strongly, but because they weren’t pagans, were forgiven, like Deborah and Judith. Judith in particular has inspired as many depictions as Salome has.
Want to start writing some apocrypha, such as the Gospel of Mary? Here’s a list of names to populate those stories with.
Biblical Ladies
Tiphiel Shudirbah Ganomi Delmariah Asheba Thulsheba Shaanitha Zonupha Gophosa Huthassah Desiriam Omimah |
Ajith Gethsheeba Tosabra Labritha Gimethjabel Rimiah Hednia Shorjiel Noliphica Tethareeva Zeneshah Tajuna |