Octopus! [Reading Challenge 2018]

The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea

by Katherine Harmon Courage
Current, Penguin Group, 2013

[Substitution: Challenge # 31: Nonfiction of any kind]

I was having a lot of trouble finishing Undead Worlds, the collection of zombie short stories I intended as Challenge # 8, because it was only on my iPad and my boyfriend kept borrowing it to watch Amazon Prime. So I chose another challenge at random which came up as # 31: Nonfiction of any kind. I decided to sub this book which I had acquired, as I had The Other Boleyn Girl,  from a local Little Free Library.

Not a bad book, I definitely learned a lot about octopuses (not octopi) in it, but ultimately it was a little too colloquial for my taste. I did like that alongside the natural history, there was also a culinary history. I’d say it was a good introduction for the layman but I would have liked something more along the lines of She Has Her Mother’s Laugh, by Carl Zimmer (not part of this challenge) the excellent history of genetics I read a few months ago. I felt a wider scientific  background was missing. Though the latest (2012) research was included for Octopus! I would have liked to see more evolutionary history.  (Incidentally, although I like the taste of octopus, a few years ago I vowed never to eat them again after reading of how sensitive and intelligent they were.)

Thus concludes the 2018 Reading Challenge.


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