Tag: Hearts


  Heart of gold? Or heart of glass?

Reindeer Heart

reindeer heart

Fresh, nutritious reindeer heart. If it was Rudolph’s, it would glow. Recipe here.

Heavy Hearted

Innocent, disturbing, whimsical, and exact, all at once.

Anatomical Pastries

Hungry yet?  

Flaming Heart

My heart burns for you.  


Toxic, perhaps, and firing on all cylinders.

Werewolf Heart

My werewolf heart will tear yours out. (Art by Richey Beckett)  

Your Captive Heart

I’ve got your heart on a chain.

My Serpent Heart

It’s alive and hisses with passion.

Visual Creativity

The heart of an artist.   (Heartbrush, by Black 3G Raven)