If you’re a scholar of The Chronicles of Narnia, you’ll know that the White Witch’s Captain of the Secret Police, a wolf named Maugrim, received a name change when The Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe was published in the U.S. in 1950. That change was to Fenris Ulf, a name familiar to those who read …
Category: Writing
Worldbuilding Wednesday 8/7/24: Werewolves and Hags (Narnia LIX)
One of the things I dislike about Prince Caspian is that, after many, many, centuries, hags and werewolves are still around, even though Lewis told us they had been eliminated at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Seems like someone didn’t do the job they were supposed to. Nevertheless, they’re there, …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/31/24: Narniaworld, Part 5 (Narnia LVIII)
Here is where everything else about Narniaworld goes… lodging, amenities, and non-ride attractions, all of which add to a park’s appeal. In making up this list, I put in what I’d like to see in a theme park. You can think of this as tying everything else together… lodging and services for guests, what guests …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/24/24: Narniaworld, Part 4 (Narnia LVII)
Most theme parks have tons of merchandise associated with them. Such merchandise screams “Hey! I’ve been to the Magic Kingdom!” or “I could afford to visit Harry Potter’s Magical World of Wizarding for three whole days!” It doesn’t matter if you’re way too old to be wearing a purple Stitch backpack or a chibi Hermione …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/17/24: Narniaworld, Part 3 (Narnia LVI)
Theme parks need more than just rides, food, and crowd control. Shows, special events, seasonal attractions, and wandering performers keep customers coming back. In this Narniaworld has a leg up on its competitors. While creating this post I realized the books contain all sorts of seasonal themes that could be adapted as entertainment… especially Christmas, …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/10/24: Narniaworld, Part 2 (Narnia LV)
What makes a theme park? RIDES! So far my musings have carried me to a basic outline of Narniaworld. It’s quite large, located by the inlet or bay of a coastal area, and surrounded by forest through which a river runs. There’s a campground for guests. The location is likely a temperate one, but like …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 7/3/24: Narniaworld, Part 1 (Narnia LIV)
What if The Chronicles of Narnia inspired a theme park similar to Disneyworld in Florida? Of course, it’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Or ever perhaps. But think of the possibilities. That’s the theme I’m going to riff on for this July’s Worldbuilding Wednesday posts. What rides, events, eating places, and attractions would it …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 6/19/24: What Do Dryads Eat? (Narnia LII)
When Lucy saw … the trees were going to eat earth it gave her rather a shudder. But when she saw the earths that were actually brought to them she felt quite different. They began with a rich brown loam that looked almost exactly like chocolate; so like chocolate, in fact, that Edmund tried a …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 6/12/24: Narnian Cat Names (Narnia LI)
Cats get short shrift in The Chronicles of Narnia. Oh, sure, Aslan is a lion, and leopards and panthers are also mentioned. But domestic cats, unlike dogs, do not get to be heroes. In fact, a domestic cat is one of the notable villains of the series, the creatively named Ginger of The Last Battle. …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 6/5/24: The Best of Twittersnips (Anime, Pokemon, Video Games)
What other media product has such high demand as these three nowadays? If you want to reference a completely imaginary one, here’s a list. Anime, Pokemon, Video Games Anime Diversion: The First Sign Love and Hunting for Heroes Shogun Love Go-Go Pokemon Rhadaroon Simuroodle Spagglespark Video Games Dragon’s Maze: Fate Reforged Fighting Climax Ignition …