The letter F is full of energy. It’s fiery, furious, florid, fuming fun. It’s also very earthy. Take flora and fauna, fungi, fornication, fucking. It’s the naughtiest of letters and the most disreputable. To name a character with an F is to make the reader look and think twice, like with this list. (To soften the f sound, make it more elegant and highbrow, you can substitute ph.)
Character names beginning with F
Fadevrin Falmet Fanoro Fathas Fazoron Febrand Fedanan Feruem Fioddan Firg Flaven Floyse Fodan Forbando Fulthil |
Fabira Faiwynn Falcarys Farsha Faswe Fathaleen Faya Fayla Fenilah Fiadren Finalia Fiomae Fledra Frouvis Fushani |
Farwarden Finmoon Fitfellow Flusinard Follyshield Fordrush Forplanette Fospring Fovisphor Foxbell Fribrandt Frigglegate Fristarn Fruleigh Fusewick |