Hans Holbein the Younger, Letter B, woodcut, Rosenwald Collection
I am not as fond of the letter B as I am of the letter A for fictional characters. Oh, sure, it has its uses for manly types, like Byron and Bradford — think the alliterative brawny, brash, beefy. But for female characters, it implies big bosoms, bellies, and behinds in matronly names like Bessie, Bertha, and Brunhilda. The shape of the letter itself contributes, looking like a female chest turned on its side.
But if you like B better than I do, here’s some names for fantasy works.
Character names beginning with B
Baaris Banidor Bavin Bichraldo Brames Brannar Braul Brimain Brisadh Bryzen |
Baessa Bashka Bateitha Betensa Bevma Bhellina Binsi Birhani Brendhys Brywain |
Balgandar Banshallam Barkvisp Barzisam Besslion Betterpike Blinquince Bosvarrough Brubborne Byfall |