The City-State of Estom, by Findara McAvinchey
One of the questions I always wanted answered about Narnia-the-world is that of other civilizations. Sure, we had Narnia; then Telmar, dull and problematic as it was, and Archenland in Prince Caspian; in the next book Galma, Terabinthia, Calormen, and the Seven Isles came along, then Ettinsmoor and the Underworld in The Silver Chair. But there must have been more. The lands of the west were never explored, nor the far north or far south, or the whole of the Great Eastern Ocean.
Only a few fans have ventured into these territories. Jamison Harley added the imaginary countries of Einuno, Dosnii, Tatlodrei, Vierneige, and Femvissi to the south of Calormen on his comprehensive map. (The odd names are the numbers 1 – 5 in different languages.) Another group of young fans created an entire wiki around their Narnia expansion, which includes whole continents and new species of creatures:
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The Alicorn Is a Horse-like creature cross between a Unicorn and a Pegasus. 4 species of Alicorns sided with Aslan, Chestnut, Palimino, Golden, Rainbow and White. While Black Alicorns sided with the white witch.
Alicorns are one of the mightiest horse species in Narnia they are a size of a full grown draft horse. The White Alicorns are known to fall in love with the Elephants because of their wisdom, great intelligence, manners, and compassion. The Bull Elephants would mate with the female White Alicorns creating a new species of Elephant. the flying Elephants have beautiful silverish gray skin, and have a body, ears, tail, and trunk of an Elephant, but have wings and their tusks have stronger magic like the Alicorn, and a Unicorn’s horn. |
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I was ten years old too, once.
Here are some other countries that might have been, going by how Lewis named those that already existed.
Other Countries of the Narnian World
Andulmar Araghan Astarlun Bramay Brithgal Falosha Felir Galdyr Gerdlund Harnem Hertlund Hydea |
Kandalarm Korplain Limand Mamadan Norolen Orania Ostdar Palam Pelica Pernothia Phaevel Rhasvia |
Samaskad Sanethia Scorma Sodlom Solarva Sovia Thaldark Thelbia Trakos Vespithia Vevois Werelm |