The Council of Elrond, Lego style
J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy has been a major influence for many, many, fantasy writers, myself included. (Or course, many fantasy writers detest it also.) And also like me, probably, at some point, budding young fantasy writers made up people, places, and things that sounded very much like Tolkien’s, in his inimitable naming style. Many, many Boromirs have bitten the dust in some junior high dungeon adventure, and many, many Galadriels and Arwens wielded magic in some fantasy kingdom, not to mention barked or purred if they were female.
If you still have a liking for Tolkien’s names and don’t want to give them up because they fit your character so well, try some of these variations.
Frodá Frodí Glodo Clodü Smerri Glodí Frodé Frojalo Szodo Snumo Snodo Frovillí |
Hanalf Gandulus Gandbar Gandius Barralf Granbar Grisalve Gandthan Gandeart Gandbor Gandián Boryalf |
Arazhor Perorn Aragës Aragairn Aragobra Sephorn Shenorn Imlürn Zillárn Wynnorn Aragéton Aragyr |
Woddum Gílltaun Goddfer Golljer Gollaik Glossum Tollum Zhollum Gïrrum Gállanul Smodae Zaffum |
Phaladriel Zhalamelly Gyladrieth Gamorriel Wihodhiel Sobraniel Khuzaziel Rhábbathiel Grévodiel Vhurakiel Kashyriel Lyrabriel |
Borovaler Boräbrin Baryzim Alfomich Boroshen Boroelf Zarömir Athümir Boravins Borovat Bestomir Auromir |