Pun, trifle,Lovecraftian horror, or fine art? You decide. (The Water, 1563-64, by Giuseppe Arcimbaldo)
Category: Humor
Worldbuilding Wednesday 1/24/18: Useless Magic Items
(Artwork by Dchan) There are those magic items that are very helpful to a character, and those that aren’t. Here are some that did not make the grade into regular adventuring use. Useless Magic Items Ashestes’s Garrulous Ass: Renders an ass or donkey capable of speech. Unfortunately, the animal doesn’t stop talking for the …
Meeting with Medusa
Meeting with Medusa An erotic short story for Halloween. Note that it’s comparatively mild, but still NSFW. I knew I shouldn’t have tangled with a Gorgon. It could have Medusa. She’d been reported working in Vegas by the other Hunters I’d been in contact with. Or it might have been Stheno or Euryale, her …
A Haunting Strain of Music, Part 2
Some “lively” music always makes work go more quickly, don’t you agree? Rockabilly fun with The Creature from the Black Lagoon, who also moonlights as a record juggler. The title is a pun on “instrumentals.” Swedish lady sings some early rock and roll. The picture is cool and shows she’s not afraid to …
A Haunting Strain of Music, Part 1
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I like the spookiness, the masquerade element, and the rich trove of vintage memorabilia generated over the years… like these LP and 45 covers. For fun, I looked up the music as well. The rich baritone voice of Boris Karloff, best known for narrating the Christmas special …
Worldbuilding Wednesday 9/20/17: Useful Magic Items
Oh, lookies! I found another book of forgotten magic in the vast dungeon library I call my home! Wonder if it has anything this fellow is looking for? Perhaps something to animate that pink lightbulb heart? A new group of randomly generated, mostly useful, magic items that may find a home in your story or …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 7/5/17: More Magic
I was going to list some ideas for evil societies for this week, but the randomization software needs more tweaking. So here are some more random magic spells and items. More Magic Lamp of Grim Digging: Enables the owner to find and dig up buried bodies quickly and easily. Yungamel’s Levitating Unicorn: Causes a …
Worldbuilding Wednesday, 6/14/17… wait, there’s more! (Spells, that is.)
Because it was just too much damn fun to come up with these. Another selection of free spells to add to your campaign, story, novel, game, comic, whatever. Chantsuma’s Wondrous Cacophony: Creates a mosaic of noise around the target, a mix of music, voices, animal cries, thunder, chants, roaring waves, bird calls, crashing objects, etc. …