Category: Fresh News

What's been going on lately

Batman Knows What You’re Doing

A Ponygirl Project

I’m currently doing rewrites/edits on some earlier stuff of mine from way back that I intend to publish in a volume of ponygirl stories. There will be one or two new ones included. One is promising to be Romantic Erotica, the incestuous cousin, I suppose, of Erotic Romance, and I am quite tickled at the …

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Genres and Plagiarism

There’s been a kerfluffle in the indie publishing world lately regarding one Laura Harner, whose extensive self-published catalog of erotic romance books includes plagiarized — and not very well disguised — versions of works from a mainstream romance author. Becky McGraw. To makes things more juicy, the books in question were changed from M/F romances …

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The Tale of Lassok and Zairbhreena available on Amazon

The Tale of Lassok and Zairbhreena is available now! You can find it on exclusively for three months. (And if you have Kindle Unlimited, it is free.) I still need to tweak the formatting a little, but it’s enjoyable justĀ  the way it is now. What is it about? A tale of love and …

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